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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 2 months ago

My mom joined a cult back in the late 1980s: Church Universal and Triumphant. Back then the cult/church moved all of its members to Montana to prepare for World War III. That got my mom to leave Silicon Valley and come up to Paradise Valley in Montana and setup shop. The church is much more normal now, but she still has a food cache (if the world ends while we're up here we won't go hungry) and a nuclear fallout shelter too.


Anyway, the house looks down on the Yellowstone River and is located about halfway between Livingston (an old railroad town, we'll probably visit the museum there) and Yellowstone National Park.


Grand Tetons National park is about four hours south.


http://www.flickr.com/photos/35034363287@N01/page3/ has some photos of the house and some pictures from a recent trip to Yellowstone (don't expect to see any snow this time of year, though).


Yellowstone has lots of wildlife and other features that are interesting to look at (geysers, paintpots, etc): http://www.flickr.com/photos/35034363287@N01/page4/


The house is about a five minute drive from Chico Hot Springs, which is a great place to catch a meal.

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